Wednesday 17 September 2014

My Poster Proposal

Amber Garland Poster Proposal

The working title I have chosen to create is a Hybrid genre romance/sad film.
  The medium I shall be producing is going to be a print poster in a portrait fashion. I have chosen to do a poster because they are one of the most popular forms of advertisement.
The intended audience will be people aged 15+. This is because there may be scenes not suitable for younger ages.
The indicated style is light, fluffy, simple and also bright. This is to show that it will be a fluffy romance, but it may also show an element of sadness.
The summary of the content entails a Title, a tagline, and image, a background and a credit bar.

   The size of the poster I am creating is going to be in various sizes like A3, A2 and A4. So that the poster can be hung on large walls, on lamp posts and in Adshells.

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